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Product shipping automatically online?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Product shipping automatically online?

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    • #88959

      I want to sell gaming accounts in my marketplace. They are virtual and always have to be sold individually, as they only exist once. I could solve this problem thanks to you, but I do not know how to bring the products to the customer automatically. I can not send them by mail, it must be online. Maybe there is a possibility to send them by E-mail or in another way like an extra column in the orders?
      The seller should have a column in which to enter the data when adding the product. When selling these data should then get the customer.
      Maybe you can help me?

    • #90857
      WCFM Forum


      Well, is your customers have to download something after purchase the product?

      If so, then you have to create virtual-downloadable product. https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/digital-downloadable-product-handling/

      Thank You

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