Product table view

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    • #134894


      Thank you for the wonderful plugin.
      I have multivendor grocery site, recently i collected feedbacks from my customers most of them said that “Adding products to cart is difficult” if the products is in table view then it will be easy.
      Is there any option for it.

      Else if there is any option to enter different shortcode for each that i can create that particular store products in table view and enter the shortcode in that particular store.

      Kindly please help with that.

    • #135713

      I have the same issue. I want to display in table view my products on each vendor page.
      But all plugin that I have found only allow me to use shortcode to use table view, and now it’s impossible to use a shortcode in the product tab.

      If somebody can help us

    • #135870


      Sorry, but as of now we don’t have any shortcode for this.
      This is not possible using code snippet.
      It requires good custom development, and this will be a paid one.


      • #136036

        If it is a paid one, then it is fine for us. Give me the details about it

        • #136474


          Sorry, but due to COVID-19 we are getting 400-500 more support tickets each day. So we aren’t taking any customizations at this moment. If you can wait for couple of months then we can start your customization work. If you are interested then please contact us here –

          Otherwise, It will be better to find someone who is accustom with WP development. If you face any difficulty at the time of development we will guide you accordingly.

          • #146548

            Hello Kamales, I’ve been looking for options on how to integrate a product table also for at least 3 months. Where you able to get a developer to help yoy customize your marketplace? Please feel free to contact me privately.

    • #146549

      my email is my user name from wclover all together. Thank you in advance.

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