Product Variations duplicated / not correctly transferred to WP product listing.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Product Variations duplicated / not correctly transferred to WP product listing.

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    • #16623

      Hello Support,

      I posted earlier about the product variations entered in WCFM not being populated in the product in WP Admin view and you mentioned that the new update will take care of that.

      After the update, the product variations entered in WCFM are now populated but the problem is that they are mostly duplicated, sometimes leading to an “Invalid or duplicated SKU” error message.

      We tested several different product entries with different variations (in different browsers) and experience some bugs with every try. The biggest problem is that sometimes, variations entered by the vendor through the WCFM are duplicated into the WP product listing. For example, in one case we entered 4 different variations for a product in WCFM – received an “Invalid or duplicated SKU” error while trying to save as draft – deleted all except one variation = still received “Invalid or duplicated SKU” error = checked the product in WP as admin = found 15 total variations under the variation tab despite only 4 had been entered in WCFM. Most variation had been duplicated by WCFM for whatever reason.

      In another example, we entered a product with 2 variations. Did not receive an error in this case but looking at the product in WP admin, a total of 4 variations had been transferred by WCFM to the WP product listing (the 2 variations that actually had been entered PLUS 2 “any size” variations.

      Are you aware of those problems and working on correcting them?

      Thanks so much and kindly let me know.


    • #16642
      WCFM Forum


      We are looking into this again.

      Kindly confirm two things to me –

      1. There is no error in browser console of WCFM product manage page.
      2. Is after save product redirect to created new page? Or stay on WCFM product page and you may hit save button again and again!

      Just for confirmation, can you please try the same once in our any demo sites and know me are you experiencing same issue or not!

      I will update you soon about our test result.

      Thank You

    • #16912


      Thanks for your prompt response.

      1.) There was an error about “duplicated variation”. But the variation that was entered was not displayed. It looks like that the WCFM product manage page did not display the variation after entry but did add the variation to the database. Since the user did not see the variation, he/she tried to add it. But since it probably was already in the Database – the error occurred. But despite the error, another duplicated variation was added to the Database which showed up in the WP admin account. So to me it looks like a bug in displaying the variations that are in the DB correctly in the WCFM product page.

      2.) No redirect after the error message about duplicated variations. We did not press the save button again but did indeed try to add the variation again. Again – this would also explain that the problem is probably simply in the correct display of the variations in the DB.

      Thanks again,


    • #17036
      WCFM Forum


      WCFM 3.3.6 has just released and we have re-written Variable Product add/update codes.

      Can you please take a look now?

      Thank You

    • #17058

      Hi Support,

      I noticed you made some changes and it seems to work much better now. I believe the automatic population of the Variations after the attributes are entered help a lot. I also like the default enabled check after adding a new variation.

      We entered a few test products and most worked much better now. However, we did have the same “duplicated SKU” error on 2 occasions again. One time was after we left the window open for about an hour without any activity after starting to add the new product. After that time, we tried to add an image but received an “undefined” error. Opting out of the Products tab to one of the other menu tabs, lead to the sign-in page again. So we think that the site might have timed out which might have led to the error. However, since we logged back in, we also received the “duplicated SKU” error in the variation. Even after we fixed the duplication on the admin side, the error in this particular product remained. What removed the error was going back to the overview of all products, clicking on “Quick Edit” for this particular product – removing the base SKU and saving.

      The 2nd time we received the “duplicated SKU” error we removed the base SKU (in the inventory tab), logged out of the user, refreshed browser, logged back in and it worked again.

      The way we have the SKU’s setup in this case is for example: 352 as a base SKU – 352-07 / 352-09 / 352-11 for the variations. Is it possible that somehow the 352 from the base SKU in the inventory tab conflicts with the similar variation SKU’s?

      I am not sure whether this all makes sense for you as I can imagine those errors are difficult to recreate. However, I very much appreciate the fact that you guys are trying to fix and improve.

      Thanks again.


    • #17069
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for all the details and it’s great to know that things are working better for you now.

      We will add auto-logout in coming version, thanks for pointing this.

      So, as I understand now you have one main issue – SKU duplication!

      Actually, SKU duplication checking is totally part of WooCommerce default, we are just showing the error response from WC. You will have same error if you tried the same from wp-admin -> add product.

      Frankly, I am also not totally sure how WooCommerce checks duplicate SKUs, but I hear such issues before –

      We will also try to generate same error and will know you the best possible overcome of this.

      Thank You

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