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products api

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    • #54800

      How can I show the appointment data in the products API , cause it’s not returning them
      here is my products sample

          "id": 504,
          "name": "معالج فلير مورفوسيس للشعر",
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    • #54963
      WCFM Forum


      Appointment product or Appointment details?

      Between, WC Appointments plugin support WC REST API, please confirm this from it’s author!

      Thank You

    • #54967

      I asked they told me I should use wc rest API
      but I do not know how to get it and they are not providing any details about how part

    • #55015
      WCFM Forum


      but I do not know how to get it and they are not providing any details about how part

      – that’s the problem, WC Appointments does not have WC REST API support.

      Well, we will add vendor wise appointments list API very soon.

      Thank You

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