Products & Coupons Add New

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  • Author
    • #15402

      When I mouse over products or coupons, the Add New comes
      I would like to remove this so that the vendor must first click on Products or coupons so that he sees what he has everything.
      Do you have a solution for that?

    • #15406
      WCfM Forum


      There is no ready-made solution for this.

      If I suggest to hide using Capability then it will be disabled from all over, that will be not write.

      CSS is a option but I don’t like such solutions.

      As always, i can send you a code snippet to disable those.

      Thank You

    • #15407

      A pity but you can live with that
      Thank you

    • #15411
      WCfM Forum

      Well fine, that’s a good idea. And it useless in touch device also.

      Will add a dashboard settings for this.

      Thanks for this.


    • #15639
      WCFM Forum


      This setting already added in WCFM latest update.
      You will have this under WCFM admin settings -> Module

      Please know us is this works for you or not?

      Thank You

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