Referral rates on a per-product/product group basis?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Affiliate Referral rates on a per-product/product group basis?

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  • Author
    • #91997

      Hi Team,
      How can I set referral rates on a per-product or per product category basis?
      I really need this feature because it is essential in my business need.

      Thank you

    • #93379
      WCFM Forum

      We have this in plan, will be there very soon.

    • #93497

      hello please could you help me with 3 necessary news on my site

      1 every time I want to generate an affiliate url I get the invalid url message

      My site is loading too much, since I installed the plug-in, please could you suggest something to speed up the loading

      I miss the google map even though I have already placed the google map api key

      attached site address

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    • #94017
      WCFM Forum


      Please try to generate affiliate URL for this – (with https:// part attached)

      I miss the google map even though I have already placed the google map api key

      – Is this showing any error in your site at the place of map? Please be sure you have enabled “Places API” for your map api. You may directly contact Google MAP support for this as well.

      Thank You

    • #101346


      Posting this for any future users. I was testing affiliate and affiliate links and if you add an affiliate through the back end, wcfm URL generator did not work. I had to add them through the front end manager in order for the URL generator to function properly. Also, don’t forget the https://


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