Sending Multiple Emails

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    • #19437


      I have two issues.

      1) When my seller send variable product for review. Seller and admin gets variable number of email notification. For Example, in my case my seller submit a product of 12 variation. So my (Admin) email account gets total 13 emails for reviewing submitted product
      Same also my seller also gets 13 emails in there registered email id.

      2) We are using supporting plugin Wc Marketplace. When we create single product with 2 seller. The duplicated product edits can’t appear in single product page. We can make changes in duplicated product but what is use of it if it is not appear in front end

      Thank You….

    • #19444
      WCFM Forum


      Thank for get in touch with us and I understand your issues.

      Unfortunately both of these are from WC Marketplace, WCfM no way involved in this.

      1. Product Review Email Notification – this is a very general feature of any multi-vendor plugin so WCfM does not send out any such email just to avoid duplicate emails. WCfM just send out a desktop notification which you can see under WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Notification, please check there you have only one message for the purpose.

      Actually, this issue is from WC Marketplace core, please inform them once.

      2. Single Product Multiple Seller – Now as you know it’s a unique feature from WC Marketplace, but they only make visible the root product in catalog when others are just listed under “More Offers” tab.

      But I heard that it’s possible to by pass this and listed all the products in catalog, some small custom code required to do so. Can you please WC Marketplace to give that code to you!

      Frankly, as these are WCMp core issues so I am asking you to contact them once. If you can’t get any positive help from them then please know me and I will solve these from you.

      Thank You

    • #19463

      As per your suggestion i have contacted WCMP support. Here there reply.

      WCMp Admin wrote:

      Hi @Mohammed, thanks for reaching WCMp Support!!

      Our replies are inline :

      1) When my seller send variable product for review. Seller and admin gets variable number of email notification. For Example, in my case my seller submit a product of 12 variation. So my (Admin) email account gets total 13 emails for reviewing submitted product
      Same way my seller also gets 13 emails in there registered email id.
      >> We have resolved this issue on our GitHub for now. You can download and install this from here –

      We will add the same on our official update.

      2) We are using Wc Marketplace plugin for its unique feature SINGLE PRODUCT WITH MULTI SELLER OPTION . When we create single product with 2 seller. The duplicated product edits can’t appear in single product page. We can make changes in duplicated product but what is use of it if it is not appear in front end
      >> The default flow of our plugin will display only one product in the shop page and single product page,. Now, the customer can view other vendor’s offer under the “More Vendor” or “More Offer” tab, like our demo site :
      Here the buyer can view other’s vendor’s offer for the same product and proceed with purchase as per their convenience.

      Let us know if you have any further query.

      Now problem is after updating there updated package. WCFM dashboard not appearing for vendors. they simply redirect to wcmp dashboard. I have checked all setup twice but nothing happens.
      One more thing i notice WCFM dashboard with admin login appears but here vendors option is disappear.

      Kindly let us know what we do. May i know WCFM is works properly with current WCMP released.

      Thank You….

    • #19466
      WCFM Forum


      WCFM perfectly works with WCMp 3.0, no issues at all.

      Now there is a mess happen in your site as you have installed a “git” copy.

      You may fix this very easily, just be sure your WCMp installation folder name is “dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor”, which is now changed to “dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor-master”. Rename please and again everything will work as before.

      For second query, can you please ask them to know you the option, “How you can list all duplicate products in product archive?”

      Thank You

    • #19576


      After updating wcmp 3.02 version. WCFM vendor dashboard appears properly.

      As per duplicate product in product archive page they send some code. Let me know what we do with this code.

      There message is

      Hi, as there are no such settings to display the duplicate product. Hence you have to do a bit of coding. You can use the following reference, to find which vendor’s product has been duplicated from other product :

      $vendor = get_current_vendor();
      ‘meta_query’ => array(
      ‘key’ => ‘_wcmp_parent_product_id’,
      ‘compare’ => ‘EXISTS’

    • #19581

      Ummm … this code is still not the right one!

      Why they harassing you, strange!

    • #19590


      It’s just matter of a line of code, here it is –


      You just have to add this to your site.

      Please know me is this resolve requirement or not!

      Thank You

    • #19593


      As you suggest i have added above code in wp-config.php file but nothing works. (Kindly See The Attachment)

      Lets me explain my need in detail.

      Whenever i create 1 product with multiple seller the duplicated products must be editable and should be appear in shop page and in single product detail page.

      Thank you…

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    • #19598
      WCFM Forum

      Tell me one thing, how your wp-config file empty?

      Can you please add this line to your theme’s functions.php

      Thank You

    • #19680


      As you suggest i have put above code in my theme functions.php

      Its solve half problem. Now my duplicated product appears in shop page. But when i click duplicated product it will not appear in single product detail page.

      Kindly let us know how can i solve this.

    • #19690

      Opps!! That’s something impossible as there is no restriction on this. Even with that blocking it allow to visit individual pages.

      Can you please send me your shop page link and know me such duplicate products, I want to check this.

      Thank You

    • #19714


      shop page url:

      Main first product url:

      Duplicated product url:

      Here main and duplicated product url is different but when click them both are showing same product.

    • #19731
      WCFM Forum


      I think you are missing variations, both are separate products.
      Best to change Featured image or description and take a look.

      PFA, I am showing you my experience.

      Thank You

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    • #19853


      Hope this is now resolved for you.

      I am closing this thread for now.

      Feel free to reach us anytime.

      Thank You

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