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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM SHIPPING HANDLED BY MARKETPLACE

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    • #117644

      Hello everyone,

      We’re setting up a marketplace for vendors in the same city. The propspect vendors do not have delivery services, so we plan on offering the service to those who want it. In our communication with clients we’ll be outlining the fact that we deliver.

      The problem with the shipping fees setting I found on WCFM is that it allows for different rules but not this one: Client buys from vendor 1, shipping fee is X, then client adds products from Vendor 2 in the same order, shipping fee becomes X+Y.

      We don’t want to multiply shipping fees but adapt them to the number of locations our delivery person will have to go to.

      Is there any chance this is possible with current version of WCFM?

      Thank you in advance.

    • #117930


      I guess the settings that you are looking for can be configured with WCFM ( country wise shipping ). So let me just explain by giving you a live case senerio here:

      A person purchases product X( 1 item) and Y (2 items) from different vendors and the shipping settings are:
      Default Shipping Price: USD 10 ( this is base shipping price)
      Per Product Additional Price: USD 2 ( applicable for different type of product)
      Per Qty Additional Price: USD 1 ( price for additional product of same type)
      Then the total shipping amount will be – 10 ( the base price)+ 2( additional price for 2 different kind of product)+ 1 ( for item Y having 2 items)= USD 13

      Thus if you set the “per product additional price, I think it will resolve your problem, just give it a try and check once.

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