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Show specific end points via shortcode?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Show specific end points via shortcode?

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  • Author
    • #113315
      Cap Luis

      Today we have a Global Shorcode! of the entire WCFM panel.

      If I want to show only the End Point “Store Settings” via shortcode is this possible?

      Today I can disable any menu item, but I think it would be interesting to have this possibility.

      My goal would be to show some WCFM options within specific Buddypress guides.

      I am creating the guides myself, but today I can only display a global WCFM shortcode.

      And even if I defined the URL of the end point, it will lead to the global panel of wcfm.

      Is it possible to display any WCFM page inside other pages in some way?

      ps. If I use the Buddypress integration, available in WCFM, it breaks the style of my theme, specific to buddypress.

      ————————————————– ———————————-
      Can I disable the WCFM Home Panel? that contains the sales statistics? my site does not sell, I only show products! this is useless to me.

    • #114828
      WCFM Forum


      My goal would be to show some WCFM options within specific Buddypress guides.

      – Sorry, don’t understand this clearly. “show some WCFM options” – show me a sample screenshot.

      Thank You

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