Some issues WCFMU

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  • Author
    • #10478
      Fahrurazi Abu


      I would like to highlight few things:

      1. On WooCommerce setting, coupon function is disabled, however this does not happened to WCFMU. The coupon menu still available in left handed menu.
      2. On WCVendors Free setting, in Capabilities tab, Orders – View Orders not ticked/selected, the Orders menu no longer listed on lethanded menu, that’s OK. However, on WCFMU dashboard, Store status still showing “Orders”. I think this need to be hide also.
      3. Profile icon on left menu does not appear.

      I’m using latest version of WCFM/U.

      Thanks for your feedback.

    • #10479
      WCfM Forum


      Thanks for contacting us.

      Can you please try with WCFM capabilities?

      There has lots of settings in WooCommerce WC Vendors and WC Vendors Pro.
      Sometimes its creating confusion so we have simplified the things and keep one place to cntrol all vendor capabilities.

      If you still facing issue please contact us.

      Profile Icon not showing – can you please share a screenshot of that.

      Thank You
      Shhiv Narayan

    • #10480
      Fahrurazi Abu


      Please see here:

    • #10481
      WCfM Forum


      Quite strange one.
      Well just looking into it.
      Can you please check in some other browser, may be browser caching issue.

      Thank you

    • #10482
      Fahrurazi Abu

      I’ve tried Chrome and Edge browser and even via mobile (Firefox). The result still the same.

    • #10483
      WCfM Forum


      Is it possible for you to share a dummy vendor user details with us?

      We can not generate it at our environment, it will be really helpful if you can share so.

      Please share credentials at

      Thank You
      Support WC Lovers

    • #10484
      Fahrurazi Abu

      Nevermind. That was just a cosmetic things and bring no harm.

      By the way, I wish that you can solve for item 1 and 2.


    • #10485
      WCfM Forum


      1. We will definitely looking into Point 1, we have to respect WC settings.

      2. Did you checked with WCfM capability option?
      Its already implemented, kindly check. Can be setup from -> WCfM Admin Dashboard -> Settings

      Thank You

    • #10488
      WCFM Forum


      WCFM 2.3.4 just released.
      Kindly update and check, both of your issues has been taken care off.

      If you have still any query feel free to contact us anytime.

      Thank You
      Shhiv Narayan
      Support WC Lovers

    • #10494
      Fahrurazi Abu

      Nice to see the updates. Just curious when Orders portion were removed from Store Status, what other information will be displayed other than Orders rather than see the Store Setting just plain blank?

      Logged in as a vendor, I can see Store Status now is blank. Well, that the Orders is to be blank. What about other info, such as Vendor on vacation status is displayed as well on Store Setting?

      I’ve checked WCFM setting, can you advice what is the purposes? Does it mean that, the WCFM pages can be renamed?

      Thank you.

    • #10495
      WCfM Forum


      There has two settings option –
      1. View orders
      2. View frontend reports

      If you disabled both for vendors then they will see a empty WCfM dashboard.

      No you can not change page titles, you can change page URL slugs from settings page.

      Thank You
      Shhiv Narayan

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