Staff list

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    • #25219

      Is there a way for show a list of the Staff in a shop?
      Example, user visits shop page, user can see Shop owner: Billy, Shop manager: Emily, Shop staff: Jim, Doug, Tom, Sue, Kelly

      Show their username and link to their profile? But only members of a specific vendor shop. Not a full site members listing.

    • #25231
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Off course possible to display such list.

      Can you show me screenshot of such a place in your site where you want to have such a list?

      Thank You

      • #25256

        Absolutely. Attached is a screenshot of my testing vendors store page. Ideally what I would like to do is remove the email under the store name and have the list of staff there so users can click to view their profile.

        Thanks again.

    • #25331
      WCFM Forum


      Great, understand the concept.

      Now, tell me two more things –

      1. Which multi-vendor plugin you are using ?
      2. Are you using any profile builder plugin? Where staff will be linked?

      Thank You

      • #25340

        For my multi vendor I am using WC Marketplace along with WC Lovers’ WooCommerce multivendor membership.
        The only profile plugin I am using is Yith Customize my account page. Besides that they are default WooCommerce profiles.

    • #25342
      WCFM Forum


      You have written that – “have the list of staff there so users can click to view their profile.”

      Now which profile you want to refer here as WC Marketplace or WCfM, none any such front-end profile page for Staffs or any other users.

      You may have such profile page using plugin like BuddyPress.

      Thank You

      • #25343
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        • #25407
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    • #25421
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for all the details.

      Can you please add this code to your site –

      function wcmp_vendor_store_header_custom_hide_email( $hide ) {
      	return 'Enable';
      add_filter('wcmp_vendor_store_header_hide_store_email', 'wcmp_vendor_store_header_custom_hide_email' );
      function wcmp_vendor_staff_list( $vendor_id ) {
      	global $WCFM;
      	$staff_user_role = apply_filters( 'wcfm_staff_user_role', 'shop_staff' );
      	$args = array(
      								'role__in'     => array( $staff_user_role ),
      								'orderby'      => 'ID',
      								'order'        => 'ASC',
      								'offset'       => 0,
      								'number'       => -1,
      								'meta_key'     => '_wcfm_vendor',
      								'meta_value'   => $vendor_id,
      								'count_total'  => false
      	$wcfm_shop_staffs_array = get_users( $args );
      	$shop_staff_html = '';
      	if(!empty($wcfm_shop_staffs_array)) {
      		$shop_staff_html .= '<div class="wcmp_vendor_staff_list"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>';
      		$is_first = true;
      		foreach( $wcfm_shop_staffs_array as $wcfm_shop_staffs_single ) {
      			if( !$is_first ) $shop_staff_html .= ', ';
      			$shop_staff_html .= $wcfm_shop_staffs_single->first_name . ' ' . $wcfm_shop_staffs_single->last_name;
      			$is_first = false;
      		$shop_staff_html .= '</div>';
      	echo $shop_staff_html;
      add_action( 'after_wcmp_vendor_information', 'wcmp_vendor_staff_list', 15 );

      This will hide vendor email display and show list of vendor’s staffs.

      So for this test vendor it will show “Richard Bigue”.

      Now, you have asked me this – “Name/s Have each of those names a link to that persons personal profile.”

      This “personal profile” is not yet clear to me. Kindly know me where should I link “Richard Bigue”? Give me that URL.

      Thank You

      • #25518

        I edited the segment $wcfm_shop_staffs_single->first_name . ‘ ‘ . $wcfm_shop_staffs_single->last_name; to be $wcfm_shop_staffs_single->user_nicename; to get their username instead of their real name. The list works perfectly!

        As for the profile link I was trying to refer to the dashboard the user has when they click “my account” However, given the way the messenger system works I do not need that link so this request is completed.

        Thank you very much.

    • #25523
      WCFM Forum


      That’s fine.

      Profile Link – Please give a real URL for a user.

      Thank You

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