Still Issues with this plugin

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Viewing 9 reply threads
  • Author
    • #13384

      Hi there

      Thanks for the recent update

      There are still issues with this plugin and it still doesnt have very professional looking CSS.

      Anyway, in regards the more important issues. There is still the problem with email and the phrase”Shipment Tracking: Item(s) will be shipped soon.” coming up after the product name. As I said before, this is not in woocommerce, so why are you putting this in. At least have this as an option. See attached screenshot.

      As I can only attach one image, I am going to start a separate topic for the other issues.


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    • #13386

      The other issue is the issue that I have spoken about before where by the product type is not showing completely and is only half shown. You fixed this but then with the recent update it has reverted again. See attached screenshot. Also the CSS is ok for chrome but in firefox it is all over the place and I would suggest you check it on both.

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    • #13388

      The other issue as mentioned before is when the vendor is searching for products. With the category dropdown shows a load of cateogries that I have hidden from the vendor which are irrelevant. See attached spcreenshot which shows this, I have only selected that the vendor sees the single and variable product options.

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    • #13440
      WCFM Forum


      1. Anyway, in regards the more important issues. There is still the problem with email and the phrase ”Shipment Tracking: Item(s) will be shipped soon.” coming up after the product name. As I said before, this is not in woocommerce, so why are you putting this in. At least have this as an option. See attached screenshot.

      Response – We can’t make this disabled but it works only for those products which can be shipped. Virtual/Downloadable/Bookable products will not showing this message. As I remember, you are using normal WC products as bookable product, then kindly mark those as “Virtual” at least. We will add a “Capability Option” for this in next version as well.

      2. The other issue as mentioned before is when the vendor is searching for products. With the category dropdown shows a load of cateogries that I have hidden from the vendor which are irrelevant. See attached spcreenshot which shows this, I have only selected that the vendor sees the single and variable product options.

      Response – Yeah right, that is an issue in current version. WE have already worked through this will be fixed in next version.

      3. The other issue is the issue that I have spoken about before where by the product type is not showing completely and is only half shown. You fixed this but then with the recent update it has reverted again. See attached screenshot. Also the CSS is ok for chrome but in firefox it is all over the place and I would suggest you check it on both.

      Response – Please check the attached video -> WCFM + Listify at Firefox

      Thank You

    • #13441
      WCFM Forum

      Sorry, I can’t attached video here.
      Sending you in email.

      Thank You

    • #13484

      Hi there

      Thanks for your support and recent update, it has resolved some issues.

      But in regards

      3. “The other issue is the issue that I have spoken about before where by the product type is not showing completely and is only half shown. You fixed this but then with the recent update it has reverted again. See attached screenshot. Also the CSS is ok for chrome but in firefox it is all over the place and I would suggest you check it on both.”

      I saw your video but it assumes that you have just got listify without any plugins. I think you need to have all the plugins that listify recommends to see some of the issues that we face. In regards, the product type not showing completely, this is an issue in both Chrome and firefox sadly. Perhaps it is a plugin conflict but please can you or your developer try and alter the code so it stays the correct size.

      Thanks for all your help!

    • #13491
      WCfM Forum


      Yeah sure, we are looking into this.
      You are right, this is not because of only Listify, definitely some conflict with other plugin.

      Really sorry for the inconveniences.

      I will update you very soon.

    • #13524

      Thanks, I appreciate your responsiveness. It is good to see that you are taking people’s issues seriously.

      One request that would help me enormously is if you were able to restrict vendors on product vendors from creating their own attributes but rather that they had to just chose from the existing attributes that admin has set up. Woocommerce and especially Woocommerce bookings is pretty complicated for the average vendor with limited skills in IT. Are you able to add this in?

      MAny thanks


    • #13525
      WCfM Forum

      Thanks for the application.

      We already have request for the same – disable Attributes addition by Vendors.

      We will definitely add that capability option very soon.

      Thank You

    • #13788


      WCFM new version has just released.
      This feature has been integrated, kindly update yours and take a look.

      Thank You

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