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Store Refund Settings

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  • Author
    • #61080

      Hello, I’m not clear on how I should set Store Refund Settings…:
      I pay my vendors via stripe split pay using direct charges mode (meaning vendors receive all the funds minus any commission I may or may not take.)
      Therefore my vendors will handle all refunds.
      My question is what should my store refund settings be if my vendors are handling the refunds. I want the customers to be able to request refunds from the vendor, not from me because the vendor receives the funds.

      See attached, do I check Refund by Customer? Again, I need this to be handled by vendor, but I still need the customer to be able to request refunds

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    • #61121

      Hi mate

      Site admins refund payments, I guess it’s because money is moved through our stipecaccounts


    • #61170

      Hey Steve – What Stripe tells me is that with “Direct Charges – Card Payments” the funds go into the connected vendor accounts less any commission I may take. It does not go through my account, so I would not handle the refunds – the vendor does. Are you processing live payments and using the exact same settings that I am going to use namely “Direct Charges” and “Card Payments” and know for certain how the flow of funds actually works?

    • #61192

      Hi mate

      Sure am, we use direct charges as this way stripe deducts the payment gateway fee from the vendor not us.

      The funds pass through out stripe account as its our stripe account that handles the payments from the Customer, As it’s out API that handles the receipt of money and the split

      If have tested this to heavily on my site and taken live payments which I have refunded as part of the test process.

      Now we have changed our business model and are not charging a commission at all, preferring to charge vendors a monthly fee via the membership add on so it could be argued that we should not get involved with refunds at all, but I guess as its our API’s that handle the money it could be argued that we are the first merchant on file and as such are responsible for this

      At least that’s the thought of our accountant


    • #61246
      Petrea Dishman

      Hey Steve it sounds to me like you are using rhe direct charges platform mode and not direct charges card payment mode…

    • #61281


      Direct charges are set in the withdrawal settings, how have you enabled card payment mode?

      the only options on the setup are

      Direct Charges
      Destination Charges
      Transfer Charges

      I would like to investigate that

      is that a function thats enabled via stripe?


    • #62536

      This is what is happening WCFM:
      There are two platform options that you can choose from on Stripes side – direct charges platform (flow is customer – platform – connected account) or direct charges card payments (flow is customer – connected account – platform). I have chosen to go with direct charges card payments because that is how I want the funds to flow.
      See: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/capabilities-overview#card-payments

      Working with stripe and using Repl.it (please see attached) I receive an error with the following code: (again see attached for error)

      import stripe

      print(“Begin by pasting your Secret Test API key here:”)
      stripe.api_key = input()


      However when I use the following code with card payments capabilities added a connected vendor account is successfully created:

      import stripe

      print(“Begin by pasting your Secret Test API key here:”)
      stripe.api_key = input()

      email=”johnpublic@example.com”, requested_capabilities=[“card_payments”]

      We need 2 options depending on how we want the funds to flow and it appears that you may be forcing a platform flow without giving an option for a card payment flow.
      Thank you for your attention to this matter!

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #62658


      Thanks for the link to stripes documentation. I didn’t see that before

      I agree, it does look like we need an option for the card payment flow.

      Given the choice That method best suits marketplaces in my opinion

      Fingered crossed this could be added in an update


    • #62690

      @sdel_nevo thank you for your response as you’ll notice I’m getting NONE from WCFM 😀

      WCFM – The main problem I am having is that I cannot connect vendor accounts. For about 5 seconds I received the error that Steve was previously getting: {
      “error”: “invalid_redirect_uri”,
      “error_description”: “Invalid redirect URI ‘https://mydomain/store-manager/settings/’. Ensure this uri exactly matches one of the uris specified in your application settings”,
      “state”: “14”
      Now I don’t get that error: I tried resetting my api’s and using the URI that steve said worked for him. but it does not work for me. so in my URI I have the uri that you recommend. I also tried to add it as a webhook and and get a 303 Response None error.

      So what is happening now when I try to connect a vendor is like I said before in another post somewhere that you haven’t resonsed to either… I press the Stripe connect button, I’m taken to the application page and I get an error that i cannot use known stripe test bank account numbers in live mode. And i am very definitely in test mode with test api keys..

      So I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!! 😀 😀

      Thank you!!!!!

    • #62691

      Also Steve, Yes that is exactly right. My merchants all have their own stores and it is a marketplace

    • #62695

      Hi mate

      I had to get in touch with stripe directly to resolve the error I was getting, I believe that they had to update the API I was using,

      The url has to be set in both the stripe connect and also the developer web hook settings, stripe support confirmed this and I have to say there Support was truest awesome

      Log into your stripe account and raise a support request via chat, I can’t rate them enough in fact they had seen the error log and where already aware of the issue before I realised it with them

      The error was resolved in less than 5 minutes


    • #62696

      @sdel_nevo I have spoken to them many times now and what I am getting is that my plugin is not communicating with stripe and it is on the plugin side… I have another call into them

      at this point in time i need a response from @forum_wclovers

    • #62704

      Hi mate

      So have you set your stripe up to use Direct Charges – Card Payments or are you set up for direct charges?

      If your using Direct Charges – Card Payments then that may be your issue as the plugin as far as I know only uses the direct charge method

      Unfortunately mate if stripe has said there is an issue with the plugin not communicating then your going to have to wait for the devs to get in touch with you.


    • #62716

      Question @sdel_nevo, when you connected your test vendors, did you just click “skip this form” link or do you fill out the app?

    • #62723


      I could only connect test vendors by skipping the form, but after getting in touch with stripe I’m able to connect test vendors by filling out the stripe details


    • #63167

      Hi pdishman

      can I just ask, how did you set up “Direct Charges – Card Payments” in stripe?

      I can’t see that option anywhere


    • #63192
      Petrea Dishman

      Hi Steve,
      Stripe set me up that way automatically based on how I responded to the profile set up questions they asked to determine how my platform operates. They sent me an email letting me know. If you would like to have your platform set up that way you will have to call them.

      Now I have a question for you 😀 When you set up your test vendor and filled out the application in test mode – did you use test bank account information or did you have to use real banking information? So far, i have been banging my head against a wall trying to connect test vendors…


    • #63203

      Hi mate

      Sorry for the late reply, just found your email in my junk folder

      I used a real bank account for my test vendor
      I have a few stripe accounts all with different bank accounts assigned to them.

      Have you tried connecting a bank account to your stripe account in test mode to see if that helps


    • #63242
      Petrea Dishman

      Hey Steve, yeah, I’ve been using a test bank account as that is what stripe support told me to do… but I may try a real one next

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