Stripe Split Payment for Vendors

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  • This topic has 21 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by WCFM Forum.
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  • Author
    • #32370
      WCFM Forum


      Now you can pay your vendors instantly using Stripe Split Payment gateway option.

      Well, this is also part of WCFM Marketplace FREE modules, no paid add-on required 🙂

      Check here –

      Feel free to reach us for any queries.

      Thank You

    • #43441
      Michael Gimm Holdensen

      I have currently installed WC Marketplace and WC Frontend and I am trying to setup how Stripe should work.
      This is on a fresh staging site – LIVE site runs WCMp – but I migrated to WCFM and I have begun to set it up, translate and all that.

      I would like to use Split payment with Stripe but I am having trouble figuring out what the settings must be for it to work.

      Can I test split payments with Stripe test keys?
      How and when does store owner/vendor receive their money on Stripe account? Is it split right away or when order is completed?

      Also, where do I see what has been paid to store owner/vendor in commission? In WCMp I had an overview just for that.

      Is this the best way to reach you or do you have a support ticket system if I buy some of your premium plugins?
      I appreciate your help on this.

    • #43500
      WCFM Forum


      Well, we don’t have any ticket system.

      We provide support over this open forum or via contact form (

      Can I test split payments with Stripe test keys? – Yeah off course.

      Well you have to setup Stripe account first, go to WCFM Admin Setting -> Withdrawal –

      Here is Stripe setup guide –

      Thank You

    • #43502
      WCFM Forum

      Also, where do I see what has been paid to store owner/vendor in commission? – you may check this from WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Vendors

      Thank You

    • #46245

      if stripe split is enabled… what happens if they order using paypal ? i assume this goes through and hits the account of admin and the vendor has to request withdrawal?

    • #46247

      on the new stripe feature of split payment, what happens if the vendor has to refund the user? If the vendor requests refund request they have already been paid by the customer so won’t require funds from admin. So therefore do they see an error notification e.g. “you have received funds for this order, please refund user via..”

    • #46342
      WCFM Forum


      Vendor can only request for refund. But vendors are not allow to issue refund.

      Admin only can do this, and it’s a manual process.

      Thank You

    • #46559
      Oluwajemilua Tope
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #46603
      WCFM Forum


      What pay option was used for placing those orders?

      Without Stripe account setup Stripe Split not work at WC checkout!

      Thank You

    • #46634
      Michel Carriere

      Stripe connect use webhooks to communicate with our website. What are actions to correctly configure our website to accept those webhooks from stripe?

    • #46658
      WCFM Forum


      Well, you don’t have to concern about WebHooks, WCFM Marketplace already take care of those.

      Do you have setup your Stripe Account, if not then setup that first –

      Now, you have to set your Account ID and key at WCFM Admin Setting -> Withdrawal Setting ->

      Then as individual vendor, connect their stripe account with store from their dashboard -> setting -> patment

      Thank You

    • #47091

      i am asking the same question as Dean: you have not answered it and very important

      you mentioned vendor can only approve so exactly why he asked this below: A very good question Dean!

      dean wrote:
      on the new stripe feature of split payment, what happens if the vendor has to refund the user? If the vendor requests refund request they have already been paid by the customer so won’t require funds from admin. So therefore do they see an error notification e.g. “you have received funds for this order, please refund user via..”

      if funds already sit with the vendor and custom requests a refund.. how can vendor request refund to admin if they already have the funds?

    • #47170
      WCFM Forum


      “how can vendor request refund to admin if they already have the funds?”

      – If vendor already received fund hence they will not able to place refund request. So for Stripe Split pay vendor will not able to request refunds.

      But customers are allowed to place refund request for this. And now, money refund is a manual process and only Admin can do this.

      Thank You

    • #47274

      “But customers are allowed to place refund request for this. And now, money refund is a manual process and only Admin can do this.”

      This don’t make sense for admin to refund the customer if the vendor has received the funds for order.

      Why would admin of the system refund the customer if the vendor already has received the funds.

      You don’t make sense. You say admin can do this, but why would admin refund the customer? The vendor has taken the payment. This process sounds terrible. You just keep saying only admin can refund the order. BUT if vendor has payment, admin for any system will refuse to refund customer because the admin of system will be at a loss.

    • #47282

      you wrote: “But customers are allowed to place refund request for this. And now, money refund is a manual process and only Admin can do this.”

      If vendor can’t request a refund request after receiving stripe payment, why should customer be allowed to request this? Customers should be disabled from requesting a refund because it’s up to the vendor to approve refund yes/no.

      Therefore, if vendor is unable to request a refund to admin, the customer should not be able to request a refund from the admin.

      It don’t make sense. If vendor cannot request a refund because they have been paid in total, the customer should not be able to make a refund request to admin. Because the vendor cannot approve the refund from their customer and this is bypassed totally. Customer fo direct to admin for a request which is weird without the vendor having any say on the matter.

    • #47362
      Oluwajemilua Tope

      The very the that installed wcfm marketplace plugin, I enabled stripe split pay but I didn’t set up stripe account that very day because I was using PayPal. The four orders were successfully placed and I got the details on wcfm and woo-commerce dashboard. I didn’t know where the fund went to because it was not in my PayPal account. Please, what can I do to locate the fund?

    • #47457
      WCFM Forum


      Using which payment option those orders were placed? please show me any one of those order’s details page screenshot.

      Possibly, those orders was placed using Stripe test account, but that even not possible without test account setup.

      Between, what are those order’s status?

      Thank You

    • #47484
      Venu v

      Can we get a split pay payment gateway for indian users as stripe does not support in India

    • #47500
      WCFM Forum


      We are also from India and I know for India this is very tough as there is no pay option.

      Well, we are going to introduce “RazorPay” very soon and hence it will be easier for Indian payments –

      Thank You

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