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Text color is "White" in "Shop Description" Entry field

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  • Author
    • #59867

      When the vendor enters their shop description in the “Shop Description” Entry field, the text color is white and invisible due to the white background. How can we change that to Black text?

      Also the same entry field window is very small. Can you increase it and make it bigger so it becomes easier to write and edit. I know you can expand it but that is not convenient specially for vendors who are not savvy.

      Also, when a vendor adds a new product, the windows for the Short and Long product descriptions have the same problems.

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    • #60088

      This is very URGENT, can you please help here? Fast support is highly appreciated..

    • #60099

      Hi sadoun

      I had the same problem, I put this into the custom css and it appears to have worked for me
      I’m using the flat some theme


      /* Shop Text Area */
      .js .tmce-active .wp-editor-area {
      color: #000000;

    • #60128

      Thanks Steve. I have the Flatsome theme as well. I tried your suggestion but didn’t help in my situation. Since we both have the same problem, it could be something conflicting between the theme and the plug-ins. I hope to hear from the developers.. Since this is important for us.

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    • #60195
      WCFM Forum


      When the vendor enters their shop description in the “Shop Description” Entry field, the text color is white and invisible due to the white background. How can we change that to Black text?

      – This field is broken so you are getting this like that.

      I think you have JavaScript error in your site, please check using Google Chrome Browser console.

      Thank You

    • #60264

      Ok found the problem was a conflict with Autoptimize plug in. When I deactivated this plug in, the field is back to normal.

      What other plug in we can use in place of Autoptimize?

    • #60342
      WCFM Forum


      You may use Autoptimize, but it require a special setup.

      We will do this for you.

      Thank You

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