The attributes aren't copied in a new product

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace The attributes aren't copied in a new product

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    • #23271

      Hi again,

      I have Versión 4.0.9 and now is fully compatible with the option “several vendors on product”, but I still have problems with the attributes; When I add a product previusly added for another vendor my product don’t take the attributes.

    • #23303
      WCFM Forum


      Can you do a test for this from wp-admin?

      Create a product with Attributes and Duplicate it, now check attributes are copied or not!

      Thank You

    • #23361


      Yes, If I do from admin the Attributes are copied, but if I do from WCfM not. Now with the new WCfM update the other things about duplicate products work fine.


    • #23417
      WCFM Forum


      OK, thanks for testing the things and detailed report.

      We are checking into this Attributes copy issue, if there is something we will fix by the next update be sure.

      Thank You

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