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The vendor only gets the total price of the product without shipping count

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace The vendor only gets the total price of the product without shipping count

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  • Author
    • #112544

      I want to ask, hopefully get a solution.
      1. The vendor only gets product prices without entering shipping rates. When a vendor sees an order only sees the selling price.
      2. I have adjusted the delivery settings to the vendor.
      3. when the settings are correct when the customer shopping vendor and vendor see orders on the page the results of income is only 0 (zero)
      4. If my delivery settings are managed by the admin, everything runs normally, on the vendor page-> order-> the total gross income is out.

      please help me this problem

    • #112630

      Next I send the image links that an error occurs to me.
      because I tried the “Dokan” plugin running normally and all product cost calculations, vendor shipments can see it. I want to use mcfm as my business plugin.
      thank you

      1. http://prnt.sc/rkiuds
      2. http://prnt.sc/rkiuii
      3. http://prnt.sc/rkiun6
      4. http://prnt.sc/rkiur4
      5. http://prnt.sc/rkiuue

    • #114977
      WCFM Forum

      http://prnt.sc/rkiuue – please check this now with WCFM Marketplace latest update, 3.3.6

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