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    • #135998

      Hi, i trying to adapt my website to my business. I dont want cross-selling products between stores / vendors, so i need to adapt the oficial woocommerce product page and try to not appears products of differents vendors. For example, I want a product page exactly to wcfm store page, that only shows products for the same vendor.

      Well, I added the wcfm top sells of store widget, and it looks nice, but I need solve a couple of issues (I attached a screenshot)

      1) The word categories: i need to translate to spanish
      2) the 5 “s” below the price, i dont know the meaning. I think that it might be something related to reviews, but it looks horrible in my website

      I would apreciatte if you could check it and tell me how to fix it, or if it is not possible, mayube you can tell me how to add a store filter in the same page with my pretty organico theme, that i bought because it was complatible with wcfm marketplace

      Could you help me please?

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