Transaction fees between Vendors and Paymentgatewayprovider

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Vendors Transaction fees between Vendors and Paymentgatewayprovider

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  • Author
    • #93301

      Hello WC Lovers,

      we would like to set up a marketplace with recurring payment for our vendors. As we do get our money from the recurring payments, there is no need for us to collect commissions of their sales.
      Our question is, if it is somehow possible to install a payment option where the vendor gets all the money from the customer and pays transaction fees directly to their payment provider (like Stripe).
      We know about Stripe Split Payment, but in this case the commission also goes to our account and we have to pay transaction fees to Stripe. We just want all of this transactions done between our vendors an Stripe directly.
      Could the woocommerce checkout be modified in a way this is possible? Or could WCFM provide a solution?

      Thanks a lot!


    • #93347

      Hello again,

      we now found out that there is Stripe Connect. Will this work with WCFM?


    • #93586
      WCFM Forum

      Yeah sure, please check here for Stripe setup –

      Thank You

    • #101605


      This document is out dated. Stripe has changed their dashboard some time ago and this document may mislead users.


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