Vendor Panel Endpoint Issues (Translate and Security)

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Vendor Panel Endpoint Issues (Translate and Security)

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    • #101899


      How are you?

      I’m using your WCFM Ultimate plugin, really amazing tool!

      However, I have a couple of issues that I found along the way.

      First, my website, is a marketplace in Spanish. I used Loco Translate to ensure a proper translation.
      However, I found myself unable of finding the strings for a couple of translations already done by default : Ledger Book is translated into “Libro De Contabilidad”, which is an expression way to long, and when a vendor connects via mobile, it messes up the “view” on the screen (text goes under the dollar bill icon). I searched in Loco Translate, FTP, translated every line including Ledger Book into Contabilidad, still couldn’t solve it.

      The second issue happened while exploring the vendor’s manager. I was trying a couple of pages logged in as a vendor and by accident opened from my navigation history the following link : … a page from the main Store Manager, and it worked!!

      How can I 404 this page for Vendors?

      Thank you!

    • #106029
      WCFM Forum


      I found myself unable of finding the strings for a couple of translations already done by default : Ledger Book is translated into “Libro De Contabilidad”, which is an expression way to long, and when a vendor connects via mobile, it messes up the “view” on the screen (text goes under the dollar bill icon). I searched in Loco Translate, FTP, translated every line including Ledger Book into Contabilidad, still couldn’t solve it.

      – Please sync your translation file with latest plugin files using Loco Translate –

      he second issue happened while exploring the vendor’s manager. I was trying a couple of pages logged in as a vendor and by accident opened from my navigation history the following link : … a page from the main Store Manager, and it worked!!

      – Vendors are not allowed to access all pages, like capability setting!

      Thank you

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