Vendor sees "brand" statistics

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    • #98019


      in analytics vendor sees brand statistics even he has no products associated to brands. Seems like this is not on vendor level?

      Would be great if analytics could provide more information on sales prices. Like how often sold, for which price min max average etc.

      Thanks Dominique

    • #98614
      WCFM Forum


      in analytics vendor sees brand statistics even he has no products associated to brands. Seems like this is not on vendor level?
      – Well, Brand is a custom taxonomy for product. Vendors are allowed to associate this with their products, so it’s analytics section appear under vendor’s Analytics dashboard.

      Would be great if analytics could provide more information on sales prices. Like how often sold, for which price min max average etc.

      – This is are sales report and vendors already has all these under reports section.

      Thank You

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