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Vendor Specific Category

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    • #126341

      I really love to work on WCFM. You provided all the features which a multivendor sites need. but I have some issues,
      the vendor is not different from each other I mean they don’t have any specific categories by which users can easily find vendors according to their category. please help me to add the specific category to vendors or is there any way to add different categories from the product categories?

      2.is there any way to show different vendors to different pages, for example, category1 shows only on page1 and category2 shows only on page2 and so-on

    • #126392


      Regarding point 1,
      As per understanding your scope, We have some custom solution for this.
      Vendors will able to chose their preferred store categoryduring registration and also this will visible at store list page as a “Store Category filter” option.
      That will meet your requirement? Please confirm

      Regarding point 2,
      Sorry, unfortunately this will not possible, But in store list page with “Store Category filter” option – users can easily find vendors with respect to “store category”


    • #126396

      At registration all the product categories shown, but i want to show only specific categories on registration page.

      For example, if 1 have 10 category then on registration page vendor only see specific categories fro those categories instead of showing all categories
      Hope you are getting my point
      Waiting roe your response

    • #126400


      At registration all the product categories shown
      First of all, in vendor registration vendor can see “store categories” not “product categories”.

      if 1 have 10 category then on registration page vendor only see specific categories fro those categories instead of showing all categories
      >>Kindly explain little more, if you/admin have created 10 store categories for vendor, he wants to show 6 category in vendor registration, then what are the purpose of creating others 4 categories?


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