WCFM showing nonexistent shipping class

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    • #104549

      In the store manager page under the new product tab, the shipping options are showing a nonexistent shipping class.

      Under the WooCommerce shipping options you can see that there is only one shipping class named “Correios”, but WCFM displays another shipping class named “Mercado Envios”.

      How can I delete this extraneous shipping class?

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    • #105251

      Hi. Can someone help me with this?

      Thanks in advance.

    • #105620

      Hi. It’s been close to a week now. Could someone help me with this? It really impacts the way my marketplace should work. If users select that option than the shipping cost won’t be calculated during checkout.

    • #105708
      WCFM Forum


      Sorry for delayed response.

      Well, “Mercado Envios” is not another shipping class. It’s “No shipping class” option – https://ibb.co/NxS9m7r

      Thank You

    • #105884

      Hi. Thanks for the response! Can I keep the user from selecting this class? E.g.: leaving the default class “Correios” selected AND mandatory.

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    • #106419
      WCFM Forum

      Sure, please add this code to your site for the purpose-

      add_filter( 'wcfm_product_manage_fields_shipping', function( $shipping_fields, $product_id ) {
      	if( isset ( $shipping_fields['shipping_class'] ) ) {
      		$shipping_class_options = $shipping_fields['shipping_class']['options'];
      		if( isset( $shipping_class_options['_no_shipping_class'] ) ) {
      			unset( $shipping_class_options['_no_shipping_class'] );
      		$shipping_fields['shipping_class']['options'] = $shipping_class_options;
      	return $shipping_fields;
      }, 50, 2 );

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/

      Thank You

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