Where to find list of WCFM hooks, filters, template override info etc?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Where to find list of WCFM hooks, filters, template override info etc?

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    • #132454

      As per subject – where is there a list of WCFM hooks, filters, template override info etc for each of the products? (mainly interested in ‘marketplace’…but other WCFM products too)

      I’ve looked / searched through the documentation but nothing jumps out.

    • #132457

      Hi @Cam

      Yes, we are creating a documentation wherein the hooks will be listed, you will be getting published soon.

    • #132737

      Great – thanks.

      You really need better documentation. Far too many things are missing. Very frustrating for new user.

      Also there would me many less support posts/requests if documentation was improved.

    • #138719

      Yes it is very very hard to find hooks, no proper documentation

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