Withdrawal balance do not include percentage plus flat rate

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Withdrawal balance do not include percentage plus flat rate

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    • #65209

      In this example we were testing what would happen if a vendor sold an item below the commission rate, essentially accruing a balance due or fees instead of a positive balance. To set this example up, the Admin set up the percentage + fixed commission rate at 90% plus $1. We then purchased 2 items at $1 each meaning the Vendor account would accrue $3.80 (($1 + $.90)x2) in Admin fees. Meaning the Vendor owes the Admin $3.80. Now, if you go to the Vendor’s Withdrawal page, it only states a withdrawal balance of -$1.80. From here, we changed the the commission rate to 0% as to promote a positive balance. After purchasing another item for $1 the withdrawal balance changed to -$.80 when it should be -$3.00. This leads me to believe that the withdrawal system does not take into account the fixed commission rate.

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    • #65395
      WCFM Forum


      To set this example up, the Admin set up the percentage + fixed commission rate at 90% plus $1.

      – Do you have setup “Commission For” Admin? Change that to “Vendor” – https://ibb.co/zJNysbD

      Thank You

    • #65437


      I understand, however the commission isn’t for the Vendor, it’s for the Admin. The admin wants to take a percentage + fixed commission of each sale. Currently, the percentage portion of the commission reflects in the withdrawal section, however the fixed amount does not. In the images below you can plainly see that the system calculated the percentage + fixed under the title ” Admin fees” but it does not reflect this amount in the Vendor’s withdrawal section.


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    • #65574
      WCFM Forum


      however the commission isn’t for the Vendor, it’s for the Admin.

      – OK, 90% commission for Admin.

      Please show any of these order details screenshot from Vendor view.

      Thank You

    • #65575
      WCFM Forum

      Well, do you have changed commission setting after this order was placed ?

    • #65643

      I apologize as my initial submission was not clear and incorrect. I will clarify.

      Please remember the idea for this is to have commission for the Admin and prove that if a vendor sells items below the percentage + fixed rate commission, it is not deducted from their withdrawal amount.

      Admin sets commission setting as commission for Admin. The commission is set to percentage + fixed rate.
      The percentage is 90% and the fixed rate is $1.
      A vendor has two $1 sales.
      Each sale accrues a $1.90 fee for the admin as per the commission rules.
      This means a total of $3.80 is the total admin fees
      However in the Withdrawal screen on the Vendor page shows a total balance of -$1.80
      We then changed the commission rule to 0% and no fixed amount. Meaning total profit for vendor. We do this to show a positive sale.
      Another purchase was made totaling $1.
      The Withdrawal screen now shows -$.80
      However the correct math is supposed to be -$1.90 + -$1.90 + $1.00 which equals -$2.80
      In this example you can see that the Withdrawal account does not account for the fixed fee + percentage fee.

    • #65644
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    • #65648
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    • #65688
      WCFM Forum


      The percentage is 90% and the fixed rate is $1.
      A vendor has two $1 sales.

      – Problem is here. You have set Product cost $1 and Fixed commission also $1, so actual commission goes to negative.

      Set Product Price a bit higher and test.

      Thank You

    • #65703

      What can i do to get the Withdrawal system to go in to the negative beyond actual value? We thought we could use this system as a fee since it plainly states “Admin Fee”. This would require the fixed amount and the commission percentage to be reduced from the withdrawal account and not just calculated based on sale amount. We thought this would act similar to a listing fee, where no matter the total sale, the vendor would still accrue a fee. For example, if a Vendor sells an item for NO COST, the Vendor would have the Fixed amount reduced from the Withdrawal account even if the starting balance is 0.

    • #65827
      WCFM Forum


      Create a Product with cost $100 and test the same.

      Thank You

    • #65902


      Yes the percentage plus fixed amount commission will be reduced if the sale amount is high enough to cover both of the commission rules. I understand that. You have proven that the Withdrawal account does indeed reflect percentage + fixed amount BUT that is only if the sale amount is enough to satisfy both commission rules. With all due respect, you can’t tell me to raise the sale amount because you are not aware of how Vendors will sell in this market. Is the Admin not entitled to a fixed fee if a Vendor sells an item for free or below the fixed commission amount? I will give examples again.

      *This is how the system works now*
      Admin sets percentage plus fixed commission of 10% + $1 For Admin
      Vendor has sale of $100
      Withdrawal account shows available balance of $89 ( 10% of $100 is $10 + $1 = $11 commission for admin)
      CONCLUSION: The fixed rate and percentage was properly reduced from the withdrawal account because the amount of the sale was enough to satisfy both commission rules.

      *This is where I am speaking about the issue and asking for a remedy*
      Admin sets percentage plus fixed commission of 90% +$1 For Admin
      Vendor has a sale of $1
      Withdrawal account show available balance of (-$.90)
      CONCLUSION: Because the sale was not enough to satisfy both commission rules, the percentage commission was reduced from the amount of the sale but the fixed commission amount was not. In this example, the fix is to allow the total amount of commission to be reduced from the withdrawal account disregarding the amount of the sale. The Withdrawal account should show (-$1.90)

      To reiterate again why we are seeking a remedy, if a Vendor sells items on the market for free, the fixed rate commission For Admin should still be reduced from their Withdrawal account. This is the fixed commission amount acting as a listing fee. This fee should be applied to the withdrawal account even if there is no sale amount.

      Thank you

    • #66071
      WCFM Forum


      Admin sets percentage plus fixed commission of 90% +$1 For Admin
      Vendor has a sale of $1
      Withdrawal account show available balance of (-$.90)

      – Well, in such case then we have to generate Admin Fee “0”
      Are you OK with this ?

      Thank You

    • #66072
      WCFM Forum

      Well, there is a alternate option for you. Create commission rule by “Product Price”- https://ibb.co/HHsWP36

      Thank You

    • #66138


      I have explored this option as well however, it does not solve what I am asking. I believe at this point I will submit a form.

      Thank you

    • #66252
      WCFM Forum


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