WC Lovers

WooCommerce Frontend Manager - Multivendor marketplace vendor dashboard

We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

  • If you are a WCFM premium add-ons user, contact us- here
  • Want to know more before buying our add-ons? Send Pre sale queries- here
  • If you are a WCFM free user, please open a support ticket at WordPress.org
  • For WCFM App related queries, reach us- here
From now the forum will be read-only!

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Author
  • in reply to: create new endpoints #10579
    florent sarrot


    Thanks again dear support.
    Did I tell you I Love your plugin.

    Just a minor things, I add if (class_exists(‘WCFM_Query’)) in add_action( ‘init’, function()).

    I will probably contact you again for the controllers.

    Thank you,

    in reply to: create new endpoints #10578
    florent sarrot

    Dear Support,

    Thank you for your quick answer.

    I’ll try my best to implement your dummy code and see if it works.
    But I’m using a storefront child theme and i can tell you right now, it will need some modification.

    I’ll be right back to you soon if I have any more problem.


    in reply to: create new endpoints #10569
    florent sarrot

    Hi Dear Support,

    Thank you very much for your nice and quick answer.

    Obviously i missed that. 🙁
    And unfortunately, I’m not really sure what do I need to do.
    Do you mean to add flush_rewrite_rules()?
    If so, where do you think i can’t write it?

    Furthermore, when i add an endpoint directly inside init_query_vars in your WCFM_Query class and load style, script and view inside the output function in your WCFM_Frontend_Manager_Shortcode class, it works.
    But, i definitively dont want to mess your code 🙂

    Thank’s again for your help,

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)