Stripe Refund not refunding correct amount

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    • #102251


      While testing Stripe Direct split pay. We encountered an error in the refund. The refund was requested from the vendor level and the admin account approved.

      A sale was made for $9
      $.70 was taken as an application fee and the Stripe fee was $.56
      However, when the refund was processed, the connected account only refunded $8.30 and the platform account refunded $.65 to the connected account

      Correct me if I’m wrong but if a vendor initiates a refund, without an option to choose partial or full, the refund is assumed to be a full refund. Also this transaction suggests that it was triggering a full refund.

      1. The platform account should have refunded the full $.70 to the connected account
      2. The full $9 should have been refunded to the customer
      3. Do vendors have a refund menu? One that they can choose partial or full from? Because I have everything enabled for vendors and the only way I see to start a refund is with the refund quick button in the orders menu.


    • #106053
      WCFM Forum

      We are debugging this.

    • #144681

      Hi, are you planning to fix this soon ? This is extremely important. The money involved in the transactions should be the more important to take care of first.

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