hide from vendor column Charges, Payment, Mode and Shipping Address

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace hide from vendor column Charges, Payment, Mode and Shipping Address

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  • Author
    • #108241

      Good afternoon. I really like your product but I do not need some features. I want to hide some columns from vendor. Can you help me remove the Charges, Payment, Mode column from the payments page. From the orderslist page, the Shipping Address column. I’ve been trying to do this for a week now and nothing will work out. I know that this is a small code that needs to be inserted into functions.php. Help me please! If you can’t hide all the columns that I wrote help remove at least some.

    • #108532


      Please add the below css code to your theme’s style.css file.

      table#wcfm-payments thead tr th:nth-child(5), table#wcfm-payments thead tr th:nth-child(6), table#wcfm-payments thead tr th:nth-child(7), table#wcfm-payments tfoot tr th:nth-child(5), table#wcfm-payments tfoot tr th:nth-child(6), table#wcfm-payments tfoot tr th:nth-child(7), table#wcfm-payments tbody tr td:nth-child(5), table#wcfm-payments tbody tr td:nth-child(6), table#wcfm-payments tbody tr td:nth-child(7), table#wcfm-orders thead tr th:nth-child(5), table#wcfm-orders tfoot tr th:nth-child(5), table#wcfm-orders tbody tr td:nth-child(5) {
        display: none !important;


    • #108561

      Thank you so much!!! Please prompt please can also have the opportunity to remove the inscription “1 product” (pink color). I set out this label. Gray color “1x name product” should be left. Thanks in advance

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    • #108749


      Please add the below code in your theme’s style.css file.

      table#wcfm-orders tbody tr td:nth-child(3) > a {
        display: none !important;


    • #108804

      Thank you very much!!!

    • #108811


      You are most welcome 🙂

      Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
      Meanwhile can we ask you for a favor? Would you mind taking a few minutes to review our plugin at https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wc-multivendor-marketplace/reviews/ and let others know about your 5 Star experience with WCFM Marketplace. Also, follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/wcfmmp for more exciting news, important updates, and irresistible offers.


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