Hide Store Radius Slider and A Constant Radius

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Hide Store Radius Slider and A Constant Radius


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    • #108488

      I’m using wcfm_stores to show a list of stores inside a radius. By using hard coded method I can set other than 50 km radius. Usually I set 10 so the radius shown is 1 km as default. I also commented several lines of codes to hide search and category filter for wcfm_stores. However if the plugin is updated, all my code was wiped out. Is it possible to make a constant radius and hide the slider? Is it possible to hide the search form without touching the code?
      Thank you.

    • #109013


      For this requirement(to make a constant radius and hide the slider), you have to override the store search template in your activated child theme.
      Path: <your activate theme>/wcfm/store-lists/wcfmmp-view-store-lists-search-form.php
      Replace the radius range field
      <input class="wcfmmp_radius_range" name="wcfmmp_radius_range" id="wcfmmp_radius_range" type="range" value="<?php echo (absint(apply_filters( 'wcfmmp_radius_filter_max_distance', $max_radius_to_search ))/apply_filters( 'wcfmmp_radius_filter_start_distance', 10)); ?>" min="0" max="<?php echo apply_filters( 'wcfmmp_radius_filter_max_distance', $max_radius_to_search ); ?>" steps="6" />
      <input class="wcfmmp_radius_range" name="wcfmmp_radius_range" id="wcfmmp_radius_range" type="hidden" value="4" />
      And remove those fields which are you don’t want to display in front-end.


    • #117377


      I would like nothing to be shown by default until the address is entered. it’s possible?


      • #118730


        Unfortunately we don’t have exactly same functionality, but you can achieve this by enable the “Enable Auto Filter” from WCFM Store dashboard ->settings -> Geo location. (PFA)


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    • #144747

      Hi gorkkirk I was searching for customizations for my marketplace and saw your question. The answer to your last question is on a different post:

      see here https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/how-to-empty-store-list-if-location-not-provided/

      Hope its not too late!

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