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Import and synchronization of products and inventory with Amazon

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Import and synchronization of products and inventory with Amazon

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  • Author
    • #129998
      Nicolas Döring

      Hello, everyone,

      we are currently creating a regional marketplace solution to support retailers in the Corona crisis.

      Many vendors who already sell on Amazon have asked for an interface to sync the products and inventory with it. So that they do not have to completely re-set their products in the marketplace, but can simply import and sync them with Amazon.

      How much effort would it take to create such an interface, possibly with third-party plug-ins via the Rest API? There are already corresponding plugins…

      Of course we are willing to pay for it, but since it is a solidarity project we don’t earn anything from, our budget is not very big :(.

      Regards, Nic

    • #144937

      I want that too !

    • #145690

      Yes, I too! 🙂

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