About Commissions

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  • Author
    • #32793

      Hey guys,

      I have a few questions for you. I have tried to look for the answers on previous posts but I don’t think there is anything out there.

      1. This one is kind of a stupid question. When you are choosing your commission (percentage, flat or else), it says “Commission for” and then you can choose either “Vendor” or “Admin”. So, my question is, to whom does the commission go to? If I choose Admin, will I take 10% (for example) of each Vendor’s sales? Would this be the same as choosing “For Vendor” instead, and setting the commission to 90% (90% of the money would go for the vendor, 10% to me)?

      2. Where would the money actually go? If a customer pays a 100 euros for example, would the money go to my account (PayPal or whatever), and then I would have to calculate the commission that corresponds to me, deduct it, and then pay the vendor? Is this automated? If not, could it be automated? What do you guys suggest?

      3. I’m thinking about having a specific place or category on my marketplace for hand-crafted or artesanal products. My commission for this type of products would be much lower, since it takes a lot of time to produce them and I think that the vendor deserves a little more money for it. Is it currently possible to set special commissions for categories of products or something like that? If not, will this feature be added in the future? (I’m not in a hurry or anything.

      My last question is kind of unrelated to commissions. I know how to set up a vendor, and how to sign in as one myself using different emails etc for tests. But, is it possible to sign in as a customer instead and have an account as such? I might be completely missing it, but I have not found a way to do this.

      Thank you very much for everything guys!

    • #32898
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch wit us.

      Let me clear your confusions –

      1. You are right. Setting up 10% commission for Admin or 90% commission for Vendor is actually same.

      2. If you are using Stripe Split Pay then money will be instantly distributed among Vendors and Admin, but in other cases total money will first come to Admin’s account.
      Now vendor has to place a withdrawal request for their commissions. Check this – https://wclovers.com/knowledgebase/wcfm-marketplace-withdrawal/

      3. We will add “Category” specific commission in next update.

      4. Yeah off course, I think you didn’t enable “Registration” at WC My Account page, it’s WooCommerce default feature.

      Please know me if you have any other queries.

      Thank You

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