Refunding issue

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    • #41032

      Hello wclovers,

      refunding works great,

      1- Vendor can request a refund and admin accepts and pay the customer. Only if vendor didn’t get paid yet.
      2- If vendor gets paid then he need to change status to refunded and pay the customer back himself.

      But there is a 3rd case with an issue.

      3- Customer pay with online gateway visa/credit card, admin doesn’t click on refund button but go to order details then change status to refunded. Now it will show that :-

      A- Vendor is unpaid
      B- It won’t generate refund request, so admin won’t know about it.

      So it’s like a lost money that needs to be investigated manually and deeply to manually fix it, the problem is that this problem is easily generated.

      Workaround :-

      1- Maybe hide refund status and it only shows if the vendor is paid/requested withdrawal (not the refund request button)
      2- Or, make changing refund status generate a new refund request if the vendor did not get paid yet/did not request withdraw yet
      3- or, any way you think is best

      Thank you

    • #41049
      WCFM Forum


      I understand your concern.

      1- Maybe hide refund status and it only shows if the vendor is paid/requested withdrawal
      – I think this will be most relevant solution for this.

      Thank You

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