Shipping calculation issue allow multiple subscriptions and products

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Subscriptions Shipping calculation issue allow multiple subscriptions and products

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    • #81322

      As of 9/12/2019 When allowing multiple subscriptions and products to be purchased simultaneously please be advised shipping for recurring total is incorrectly calculating. To be clear this issue is only effecting subscriptions combined with products. Multiple vendor non-subscription products do no have this problem.

      The issue: Shipping for a non-recurring product gets added to recurring total. Initial charge for order including shipping is calculated correct, but shipping for recurring is incorrect.

      This issue might go unnoticed by some admins running WC Subscriptions, so it’s why I’m adding this thread here to bring to their attention. This issue only happens when we have “Allow multiple subscriptions and products to be purchased simultaneously” selected in WC Subscriptions.

      Please see image for reference.

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    • #82055

      This bug is happening only when the products are purchased from different vendors. One Subscription product from one vendor and any non subscription product from another vendor.

      We need to be able to allow multiple subscriptions and products to be purchased simultaneously. We have to allow all vendors the ability to charge their own shipping.

      Your help working through these bugs I’m experiencing is very much appreciated.

    • #82284
      WCFM Forum

      Hi, – where it’s wrong. For subscription it consider two shipping for two vendors separately.

      Thank You

    • #82311

      It’s wrong because only one shown in my example is a subscription, so it should only add one shipping to the renewal/recurring total in this case.

      The one circled in red is wrong, because it came from a regular product not a subscription.

      I’ve made a better diagram attached explaining. Please see attached

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    • #82504
      WCFM Forum


      Well, this WooCommerce Subscription plugin’s bug.

      We can not fix this.

      Please talk that plugin support for this.

      Thank You

    • #82512

      Thank you for this information. I’ll open a ticket with them and see about getting this worked out.

      Again thank you very much for your help!

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