Product images are not persistent

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums Product Vendors Product images are not persistent

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    • #81413
      Kegham Karsian

      When i add images to the products then click submit. It works fine. But when i try to update anything in the product as data after submission all secondary images of the product are gone and left only with the featured image.

      I think this issue was supposed to be solved a long time ago when there as a conflict with Hide My WP security plugin. Is the issue still not resolved? Anybody else has this issue too? I’m using latest version 2.6.6

    • #81739
      WCFM Forum


      Can you please show me “Hide My WP security plugin” setting screenshot?

      Well, strange part is that if this problem due to “Hide My WP security plugin” then it should happen for all images, not only “Gallery Images”!

      I think it’s because of something else.

      Between, what is your WooCommerce and WCFM version?

      Thank You

    • #81829
      Kegham Karsian


      Regarding the hide my WP its the free lite version. We have just closed the XML-RPC access using code. Not the plugin.

      But the strange thing as you have mentioned that it is only the products page. This video is a test using the admin. Not a test as a vendor. I still didn’t test it as a vendor.

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    • #82153
      WCFM Forum


      I already understand this.

      What is your WooCommerce and WCFM version?

      Well, XMLRP does not have any matter here.

      Thank You

    • #82392
      Kegham Karsian


      I seems like it was the Hide my WP plugin. I had to change re-change the /uploads and /wpcontent roots to its original state.


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