As admin, how to assign the full order to Delivery Boy

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Delivery As admin, how to assign the full order to Delivery Boy

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  • Author
    • #90192
      Iftikhar Ahmad


      I recently purchased the delivery boy plugin and am in process of setting it up. I am facing following issues.

      1) As an admin, how to assign the entire order for a given vendor to a delivery boy? I do see option to assign individual items in an order to Delivery Boy but not the full order from the orders list. This is very time consuming and inconvenient both for admin as well as for Delivery Boy.

      2) As a vendor, when the order is assigned to the delivery boy, it generates a separate notification email for customer for each item in an order, which of course is not nice and would be very annoying for customer.


    • #91109
      WCFM Forum


      1) As an admin, how to assign the entire order for a given vendor to a delivery boy? I do see option to assign individual items in an order to Delivery Boy but not the full order from the orders list. This is very time consuming and inconvenient both for admin as well as for Delivery Boy.

      – As Admin it’s not possible as one order may has multiple vendors product.

      2) As a vendor, when the order is assigned to the delivery boy, it generates a separate notification email for customer for each item in an order, which of course is not nice and would be very annoying for customer.

      – Well, in present day all marketplace works like this. Send separate notification to customer for each item.

      Thank You

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