ACF Field Group: Field's conditional logic isn't working?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate ACF Field Group: Field's conditional logic isn't working?

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  • Author
    • #83725
      Luke Lee


      I was trying to build a lot of custom field with Advanced Custom Field.

      So what I wanted to achieve is I create let’s say 5 fields in a field group,
      Field 1: Product Type: (Apparel, Goggles, Boots, etc…)
      Field 2 (conditional): Apparel Brand: (Selection 1, 2, 3, etc…)
      ->Field two only show, when field one’s value = Apparel.

      Field 3 (conditional): Boots Brand: (Selection 1, 2, 3, etc…)
      ->Field three only show, when field one’s value = Boots.)

      Something like this, and I found out that looks like WCFM doesn’t support this function?
      I found some post on this forum, saying it’s not supported but coming soon, and that post was on Feb, 2018.

      Does anyone know, how to make it work?

      Any help will be appreciated!

    • #83968
      WCFM Forum


      Well, WCFM Product Manager not yet support this, it only support category wise fields option.

      We have this in plan, will add support soon.

      Thank You

    • #97892

      Any update in this topic? Conditional ACF does not seems to be working still.

    • #98656
      WCFM Forum

      This support not yet added.

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