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ACF Field, how to change the position, say like above short description?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate ACF Field, how to change the position, say like above short description?

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  • Author
    • #83961
      Luke Lee

      Hi, I’m using Advanced Custom Field to add some extra custom field for my vendors to fill out.

      Currently it’s displaying under the tabs, like inventory, Attributes, etc.

      I want my field to appear let’s say above the short description, is it possible?

      Does any one done this before?


    • #84444
      WCFM Forum


      It’s not supported, ACF or any custom fields will be added as Tab under product manager.

      Thank You

    • #84450
      Luke Lee


      Thanks you for your reply, but can you please tell me what is the hook that we can use to add something above the short description?

      I was trying to find documentation and I can’t find it, perhaps if you can tell me that will be way better!

      Also if it’s possible where can you find the code that you build to make the ACF field into tabs? I might be able to custom the code around when I have the hooks and filters from you.

      Thank you.

    • #84528
      WCFM Forum


      You may find those codes here – wp-content\plugins\wc-frontend-manager-ultimate\views\integrations\acf\

      Thank You

    • #84568
      Luke Lee

      Hi, I can’t find this path? I get into views folder, and I don’t see intergrations folder there.

    • #86084
      WCFM Forum

      Please update WCFM Ultimate to the latest version.

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