ACF for other post types

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  • Author
    • #78054
      Mitchell Gould

      I have been using ACF to add custom fields for my WooCommerce Bookings bookable resource post type. If I edit a resource from wp-admin, it works fine, but the field group is not available in WCFM Ultimate.

      Is there an easy way to accommodate this?

    • #78800
      WCFM Forum


      You may add custom field for resource post type.

      But are you able to make those functional?

      Only add some field and save those is not enough, i guess!

      Thank You

    • #79238
      Mitchell Gould

      @Keymaster: But are you able to make those functional?
      Yes – they are functional in wp-admin, but I can see in wcfm that the views for bookable_resources are custom to wcfm.

      I’m pursuing an alternate approach. My fields are now in a custom post type. I’m trying to use the wcfm-custom-menu plugin, but its not working properly. All end-points from the demo end in a 404 error rather than loading the views in the dashboard. I have another thread about it.

    • #79609
      WCFM Forum


      But are you able to make those functional?

      – You do not understand my query!

      I mean to say, are those fields has any effect on Booking Resource?

      Thank You

    • #79653
      Mitchell Gould

      They have no effect on how woocommerce deals with booking resources. They are used elsewhere. I’ve changed my approach and am now using a custom post type, taxonomies and meta-boxes to capture the data and then associating it with a resource id and vendor id.

    • #79655
      Mitchell Gould

      By the way, does WCFM-ultimate assign a vendor ID to a resource created by a vendor?

    • #79943
      WCFM Forum


      does WCFM-ultimate assign a vendor ID to a resource created by a vendor?

      – Yeah off course.

      Thank you

    • #79944
      WCFM Forum

      Well, I am not very sure what is purpose.

      But I think you may do this using WC Product Addons –

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