Add New Advanced Custom Fields automaticaly to all products?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Add New Advanced Custom Fields automaticaly to all products?

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  • Author
    • #64871


      I addet some new Fields to the Shop.
      There is one Select Field. Can I add the meanchoice to all Products with one click?

      For Example: The Field is a Information about the Condition of a Product. The Vendor can choose betwenn “New” and “Used”.
      But I have allready round about 1k Products in the Store and 99% of them has the Condition “NEW”.

      I can’t find a Quickedit or Massedit Option for give all Products the Condition “New” with one click.

      Hope you can understand what I want to say.

      Kind Regards

    • #65264
      WCFM Forum


      Sure, you may create such fields using WCFM Custom fields –

      Thank You

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