Adding menu option to wcfm vendor view

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Adding menu option to wcfm vendor view

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    • #81434

      Hello, I am trying to add my own menu option to vendor view of wcfm-maraketplace plugin. I am attaching two files ‘functions.php’ for adding StorePep option and ‘storepep.php’ where my article is located. my problem is when click on storePep my article is not loading properly. so please tell me what are all changes needed for ‘storepep.php’ file.

    • #81435

      file extensions changed for uploading error

    • #81436


      add_filter(‘wcfm_menus’,’ws_get_wcfm_menus’, 30, 1);
      function ws_get_wcfm_menus($wcfm_menus) {
      $wcfm_menus[‘ws-storepep’] = array(
      ‘label’ => __( ‘StorePep’, ‘whiteshop’),
      ‘url’ => get_wcfm_storepep_url(),
      ‘icon’ => ‘shield’
      // errr_log(‘wcfm functions’);
      return $wcfm_menus;

      function get_wcfm_storepep_url() {
      global $WCFM;
      $wcfm_page = get_wcfm_page();
      $get_wcfm_settings_url = wcfm_get_endpoint_url( ‘ws-storepep’, ”, $wcfm_page );
      return $get_wcfm_settings_url;

      // // ADD storepep VIEW
      add_action( ‘before_wcfm_load_views’, function($end_point) { // wcfm_load_views
      //$path = __DIR__ . ‘/wcfm/’;
      switch( $end_point ) {
      case ‘ws-storepep’:
      require_once dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/storepep.php’;

      add_filter( ‘wcfm_query_vars’, function( $fields ) {
      $wcfm_modified_endpoints = (array) get_option( ‘wcfm_endpoints’ );
      $fields[‘ws-storepep’] = ! empty( $wcfm_modified_endpoints[‘ws-storepep’] ) ? $wcfm_modified_endpoints[‘ws-storepep’] : ‘ws-storepep’;
      return $fields;

      add_filter( ‘wcfm_endpoints_slug’, function( $fields ) {
      $fields[‘ws-storepep’] = ‘ws-storepep’;
      return $fields;

      add_filter( ‘wcfm_endpoint_ws-storepep_title’, function( $title ) {
      $title = __( ‘WS storepep’, ‘wc-frontend-manager’ );
      return $title;

      add_action( ‘init’, function() {
      global $WCFM_Query;

      // Intialize WCFM End points

      if( !get_option( ‘wcfm_updated_end_point_ws-storepep’ ) ) {
      // Flush rules after endpoint update
      update_option( ‘wcfm_updated_end_point_ws-storepep’, 1 );
      } );

    • #81749
      WCFM Forum
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