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Advice needed for WooCommerce Booking Implementation

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Appointment Advice needed for WooCommerce Booking Implementation

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  • Author
    • #126728
      Jing Gu

      We are implementing a booking feature with the WCFM, using WooCommerce Booking: https://bookingwp.com/ We already have WCFM Groups and Staff. What else we need to add? Are these functions possible? If yes, and how to achieve the functions:

      1) Multiple vendors could publish their own bookable time slots. Users can click on the slots to book.

      2) Each vendor will have multiple staff. And when a customer books a time slot, it will only notify the staff associated with the booking.

      I read that all staff members will receive a notification. Is it possible to let only the staff booked in the appointment to receive notification: https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/all-store-staff-sees-all-notifications-not-just-their-own-appointments-schedule/

      3) When a visitor books an appointment, his / her Google Calendar will be synched. The Google Calendar of the staff/vendor who received the appointment will also be synchronized as the appointment will add to their Google Calendar.

      For example, a vendor store has staff A, B, and C. If the booking is only with A, Google Calendar of A will be synched. A will receive notification. B and C will not.

      Thanks a lot.


    • #127905
      Jing Gu

      Are there any answers to our question?

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