API how can I search one product with a substring of its name

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) API how can I search one product with a substring of its name

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    • #64255

      Hi, I’m working with the API of the plug in, I’m seeing that I can search a product with the id or slug but not with a substring of product name.
      Is there any option to modify the API in order to apply the search query for a specific product or a group of products that contains a substring of their name.

      Similar with the like condition on a query like ‘%partOfProductName%’

    • #65224
      WCFM Forum


      Are you using this API plugin ? https://wordpress.org/plugins/wcfm-marketplace-rest-api/

      Thank You

    • #65388
      Sayan Naskar

      If you want to search for a specific part of the product name ie substring of the product names with the WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace – REST API plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wcfm-marketplace-rest-api/
      use search query string in the url of the API call ie /wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/products/?search=%partOfProductName%
      For example:
      In case of our demo site to list all products with Apple as substring the api call should be made in the url http://wcfmmp.wcfmdemos.com/wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/products/?search=Apple

    • #66390

      It’s possible to search products from all vendors, not only products that belong logged user.

    • #66397
      Sayan Naskar

      When you call the Api with the vendors credentials or token it will only display products of that particular vendor and also search substring of the products of that vendor.

      Thank you.

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