Article Comments Not Working

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  • Author
    • #77344


      I noticed that on my site, if a Vendor publishes an article, no one can comment on the article. However, if an admin account publishes an article, comments work normally. Has anyone else had this problem? I am having a difficult time figuring where the problem is.

      Thank You

    • #77495
      WCFM Forum


      Is there any special setting from theme to enable/disable comment for articles?

      Please check this from wp-admin -> Posts

      Thank You

    • #77575


      I am not sure how to explain this. The articles that I am unable to leave comments on are older articles and I wonder if there is an expiration date or an error that occurred at some point. New articles from the proper users are working so this is fine. At this point I am going to consider it an anomaly. Appreciate you responding and apologize for the inconvenience.


    • #77822
      WCFM Forum

      It’s OK. Please know us if you have any other issues.

      Have a great day 🙂

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