Become a vendor registration needed

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    • #105282

      Is it possible to force customers register first through woocommerce and only then become a vendor?

    • #105547


      Is it possible to force customers register first through woocommerce and only then become a vendor?
      There is no such way to force user to register as customer before becoming a vendor first but one thing you can do is to hide the vendor registration or membership page, after that when a customer will login he will get a link which says “Become a Vendor” and clicking on it it will redirect customer to vendor registration page.

      To enable the registration form for customers in my account page you need to enable the Allow customers to create an account on the “My account” page checkbox under wp-admin->WooCommerce->Accounts & Privacy->Account creation.


    • #105628

      Thank you for reply!

      If i make custom woocommerce my account page and i want to add custom become o vendor link then how after that vendor reg i get the dashboard link on my account?

      I mean page with become a vendor and after that page with dashboard and that dashboard link cant be there before?

      Is that possible?

      Now in regular wc my account page i had it, it appeared after customer completed wizard.

    • #105663
      WCFM Forum


      NO need to create separate registration page.

      Please add this code snippet to your site –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_my_account_become_vendor', function( $is_allow ) {
      	if( !is_user_logged_in() ) {
      		$is_allow = false;
      	return $is_allow;

      This will disable “Become a Vendor” link for non-logged in users. It will show “Become a Vendor” only after user already registered to the site.

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –

      Thank You

    • #105715

      Ok thank you for reply. If i still want to edit woocommerce my account page look like this (attachment)

      Is it possible that one Image box says become a vendor and after that it says dashboard?

      Or if that doesnt work that way then i only put link somewhere i want and that link(become a vendor) would turn to dashboard

      Or i have become a vendor custom link somewhere on page and Then after reg one image box is that was empty turns dashboard?

      Hope i speak clearly

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    • #106399
      WCFM Forum

      Well, WooCommerce my account page is form theme template, it will be best to contact theme support for this.

      Thank You

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