Bookings Advanced Product Type Not Appearing in Dropdown Menu When Adding Produc

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Bookings Advanced Product Type Not Appearing in Dropdown Menu When Adding Produc

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    • #18255

      Based upon the feature set described on your home page, I purchased WC Frontend Manager Ultimate today to provide a frontend to my WC Marketplace plugin to be used in my WYZI Business Finder and Service Provider Booking Theme.

      When I attempt to add a product, I do not have the option to select Bookings. I am concerned that the theme has its own booking system because I do not see WooCommerce Bookings as a plugin on my site. In another thread on this forum, I read your comment that WooCommerce Bookings is required in addition to WC Marketplace.

      If that is the case, I request a refund because I did not see that mentioned as a requirement in your description of the plugin. /Bill

    • #18256
      WCFM Forum


      I am really sorry for the miss-understanding.

      Yeah that’s true, WooCommerce Bookings is essential to have booking features with WCFM.

      No issues, we are happy to process refund your order. Please know me your Order ID.

      Thank You

    • #18267
      William Kaluza

      My order no. for WC Frontend Manager Ultimate is Order #18250 (January 22, 2018) for refund.

      I am really disappointed that this plugin will not work without WooCommerce Bookings because the functionality is excellent and the look and feel is modern and easy to use. I was so impressed with your plugin that I posted the following comment on the site for WYZI Business Finder and Service Provider Booking Theme because they need your plugin in their theme.

      I hope they consider and follow-up on my suggestion because it could be financially rewarding for both of your companies and an excellent solution for customers who purchase the theme.


      I would be pleased to provide you with feedback on your plans to enhance the vendor front-end interface that permits online booking because it is critical to the sites I plan to roll-out throughout the U.S.

      I have served as the CFO or CEO of four U.S. based software companies over the past 30 years so I have learned a few important lessons that I can incorporate into my comments if appropriate.

      In this case, I would encourage you to evaluate whether you could develop an interface directly with the WooCommerce Frontend Manager plugin described at without a dependence upon WooCommerce Bookings. I make that suggestion because the company that offers WooCommerce Frontend Manager has a commitment to customer satisfaction similar to your own company’s commitment and because the plugin has over 2,000 installations and is free.

      Although WooCommerce Bookings is a good product from a well-respected company, the annual licensing fee of $249 would limit the appeal of the WYZI theme to corporations if your theme was dependent upon it.


    • #18274
      WCFM Forum


      First of all, I am really apologize for the total mess. That’s our fault we didn’t mentioned that very clear in our plugin page.

      I am just going to refund your order in few minutes.

      I am also really appreciate your cooperation as well, hope that theme author will definitely contact us soon.

      Frankly, there has lots of Booking solutions for WooCommerce but we have chosen only WooCommerce Bookings, though it’s cost $249 (really too much!), only because plugin updates.

      WooCommerce updats are now coming very frequently and only Woo extensions are updated as soon as. When other plugins or theme authors update their products months after, now people blame us for their broken sites, they are not ready accept it’s due to core plugin.

      Anyway, hope you will again use WCFM for your other sites.

      Just to mention, I don’t have any idea of your site and it’s target, but you may once take a WooCommerce Appointments (, it’s cheap and very good all the way.

      Please keep in touch.

      Thank You

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