Bookings show unnecessary tabs in new product type \"bookable\" and \"accomodation\"

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Bookings Bookings show unnecessary tabs in new product type \"bookable\" and \"accomodation\"

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  • Author
    • #13285
      Tito Sanchez


      I noticed a difference between the WC Vendors Pro and WCFMU new product forms. When I create a new “bookable” or “accomodation” product there are many tabs in WCFMU that may confuse my vendors. Could you please modify to include only those specific to bookings/accomodations and not show the general ones?

      Currently WCFMU displays:
      Stock (not in WCVP)
      Booking/Accomodation Options
      Shipping (not in WCVP)
      Taxes (not in WCVP)
      Advanced (not in WCVP)
      Costs (only for bookings)
      Fees (only for accomodations)

      One last note, why does my Loco Translation reset itself after every WCFM upgrade? I’ve had to retranslate the last 160-180 strings 3 times now.


    • #13286
      Shhiv Narayan


      I don’t want to comment anything on this comparison.

      WCfM is WooCommerce frontend manager so if you want to compare anything then please do with WooCommerce backend product editor.

      Please check, you will same tabs as you find in WCfM frontend product editor.

      If you want to hide those for your User then please do that from WCfM Capability.

      Thank You

    • #13288
      Shhiv Narayan

      Sorry, I missed translation part.

      I think you have missed a major thing when translating.

      Translation file location – it should be custom or system.

      But you have placed those under WCfM Plugin folder so each update deleted those.

      Here is a very good guide for translating plugins using Loco Translate –

      Please do the same for WCfM and WCfM U.

      Just to mention, if you want make your translation part WCfM core then it will be pleasure for us.

      Thank You

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