BUG FOUND! Unable to approve new Vendor applications…

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  • Author
    • #29133

      Just purchased and installed your plugin and found a bug. My API code is: wc_order_5b7b2f145305d_am_hvN701a7rfIr andrewyoung.mba@gmail.com

      All the popup links such as video tutorials, New vendor application approval, Screen manager, etc. all popup windows are dark and grayed out. When you click anywhere on them they just disappear.

      As a result many features are not accessible including approve/deny New Vedors.

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #29151
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us and I am really sorry for the trouble.

      As I understand from screenshot your theme has some CSS which overlapping popups.

      It’s a CSS fix.

      Kindly share a demo vendor access with me and I will know you CSS you have to add to your site.

      Thank You

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