Bug in WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Analytics

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Analytics Bug in WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Analytics

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    • #43534

      I emailed support yesterday and sent a video clip. I am attaching a link to that again. When you look at the dashboard the analytical charts are moving to the right and they won’t stop. I started putting together another website exactly like the one with the problem. I pieced together one by one plugin and found the problem. There is a bug in the Frontend Manager – Analytics addon. When I installed that plugin the moving on screen started and when I uninstalled that plugin the moving stopped.


      I got the paid version but I can’t use it as is. Is there a fix for this. Please help!


    • #43535

      On a different topic….As I was trying to solve the problem with moving objects on dashboard I noticed that my license for WCFM Ultimate says I only have 1 activation use for 1 site. Again, I purchased this under the impression that I get up to 2 sites with the plugin. Love the plugin by the way. It’s all good and I’m sure will get resolved.


    • #43582
      WCFM Forum


      Can you give a demo vendor account for your site to check this moving issue?

      It’s not happening in our environment. You may check in our demo – http://wcfmmp.wcfmdemos.com/my-account

      Possibly, some other plugin or theme causing some JS conflict.

      “I noticed that my license for WCFM Ultimate says I only have 1 activation use for 1 site” – DO you have license for 2 sites? Then you may use this for 2 domains definitely. If it’s for 1 site then please know me your registered email ID, I will extend this for 2 sites.

      Thank You

    • #43748

      Hello again,

      Yes, I have set up a demo vendor. But when I tested it in a different browser it did not seem to be doing this. It’s so wierd. I’m gonna work with it in different browser for a few days and see if it happens again. I’ll let you know if it don’t.

      “I noticed that my license for WCFM Ultimate says I only have 1 activation use for 1 site”—————–The receipt did say good for 1 site when I looked at it but on your website you have for 2 sites for $49. And I paid $49. So, not sure why I only got 1 site.

      Thank you,

    • #43803
      WCFM Forum


      Yes, I have set up a demo vendor. But when I tested it in a different browser it did not seem to be doing this. It’s so wierd. I’m gonna work with it in different browser for a few days and see if it happens again. I’ll let you know if it don’t.

      – I already told you this, it’s browser issue. Between, in which browser you experienced this issue?

      “I noticed that my license for WCFM Ultimate says I only have 1 activation use for 1 site”—————–The receipt did say good for 1 site when I looked at it but on your website you have for 2 sites for $49. And I paid $49. So, not sure why I only got 1 site.

      – Don’t worry about this. If it not work for 2 sites I will extend this for you.

      Have a great day 🙂

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