Capability Question

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    • #66342


      When setting products quantity allowed to publish per vendor, let say 40, is this number Per Month? or Total?

      If total, can they delete old ones in order to publish new ones or make some room?


    • #66431

      Hi mate

      It’s the total they can publish

      The system has the ability to allow the vendor purchase a new product limit increase

      For example you could charge £10 to publish 40 more products giving 80 in total


    • #66541


      I have a question towards this thread though because I noticed that when the vendor publishes and then deletes the item, they get that product back.

      Which means that the number, in this case 40, is actually the total number of products they can have published at one time, not how many they publish correct?

      thank you

    • #66851
      WCFM Forum


      Which means that the number, in this case 40, is actually the total number of products they can have published at one time, not how many they publish correct?

      – NO, by default it count vendor’s all products – Draft, Publish, Pending etc …

      But this can be tweak to check only for “Published” product using this code –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_limit_check_status', function( $check_status ) {
      	$check_status = 'publish';
      	return $check_status;

      Thank You

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