Coupons for vendors to use for Admin products

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Coupons for vendors to use for Admin products

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    • #137818

      We need a way for Vendors to offer discount coupons to their contacts for all of the products on our website… and to display their coupons in their store.

      If a Vendor creates a coupon, it is only good for products that are in their store.

      We don’t want to create dozens – or hundreds – of duplicates of the products on our website, which is what we have to do in order for Vendors to have the products in their store.

      The Admin can create coupons that Vendors can email to their contacts, but I have not found an acceptable way to display the coupon for the Vendor in the Vendor’s store.

      I tried creating a “Discount Coupons” product for Vendors. It looks great, but it shows up in Search. That won’t work. I only want the coupons for a specific Vendor to be visible in that Vendor’s store.

      Is there a way that a Vendor can create a coupon that can be applied to all of the products on our website, even if the products are not in the Vendor’s store, and make those coupons visible in the Vendor’s store?

      Or is there a way for Vendors to display WooCommerce coupons in their store (coupons created by the Admin)?



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